Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Eat Before Bed to Build Muscle

You may have spent much of your life being told not to eat too close to bedtime, but that’s to lose weight or prevent it from being put on – you need to eat before bed to build muscle. It may be hard to retrain your body to do this, but it’s an important step in providing your body with the tools it needs to build muscle.build muscle sleeping

This concept is important and has a scientific basis. Muscle is built during rest – not while you’re at the gym. So when you’re at rest, you need to provide your body with what it needs to repair your muscle cells and add tissue.

When you sleep, your body is at its muscle production peak. So by giving your body fuel right before bed, you give it the extra energy it needs to perform this process. If you give it high quality food, you’ll get better muscle building results.

What should you eat before going to bed for the most success? There are many options. You’ll want to provide your body with a combination of proteins and carbohydrates. The proteins provide your body with amino acids to literally construct muscle tissue.

And the carbohydrates provide your body with energy so that it can transport those amino acids to the right spot. You may choose a snack such as a peanut butter sandwich on whole grain bread. This will give you both complex carbs and protein.

You could also choose to add a protein shake to your bedtime routine that contains carbs as well. One of the best protein supplements to use at night is casein. This protein is slowly digested by the body, so it will continue to provide protein throughout the night.

high protein snack for bodybuildersEating before bed is critical to building muscle and it’s even more effective if you make sure you get enough sleep. You need at least eight hours of sleep each night to allow your muscles to recover from a strenuous workout. And ten hours is even better.

When you combine good nutrition, vigorous exercise, and proper sleep habits you’ll have the best possible results for building muscle. It may be hard for you to let go of your habits to stop eating after a specific time, but you’ll begin to develop a new habit of having a snack before bed each night.

You must eat before bed to build muscle properly while you sleep and to get the results you really want and expect from your time at the gym.

from Work Out Supplements For Men http://workoutsupplementsformen.net/2016/05/10/eat-before-bed-to-build-muscle/

Can You Build Muscle Through Carbs?

When it comes to strength training, the focus is usually on protein supplementation, but you can build muscle through carbs as well. In fact, you need to eat plenty of carbohydrates in order to have the energy to sustain your workouts.

While you do need to make sure you eat plenty of protein, you also need to make sure your diet contains the proper carbohydrates at the proper times. Here are a few guidelines for adding carbs to your diet to build muscle:

carbs for building muscleFirst, make sure you’re eating complex carbohydrates. These come from whole grains such as oats, brown rice, and quinoa. These are high in protein and in fiber and can give you long lasting energy.

Simple carbohydrates that come from sweets can give you a short burst of energy, but they leave you with a blood sugar crash that makes you feel very low on energy. Whole grains are best for helping you to have sustained energy and steady blood sugar.

You should also make sure that you eat carbs that are high in fiber. Fiber is good for your entire body and improves cholesterol levels and digestion. It also helps your muscles to take up amino acids quickly and efficiently.

When you have a hard workout, you need to make sure that you supply your body with carbohydrates immediately afterwards. A tough workout can deplete your blood sugar and energy levels, so you need to refuel right away.

You’ll want to continue eating protein and carbohydrates after your workout to give your body energy to recover from the workout and get to the work of building muscle for you. This process requires a lot of energy and there’s no substitute for healthy carbs.

Instead of sitting down to one large meal each day, make sure that you’re eating carbs all day long. Ideally you should eat about five meals each day and you should mix carbohydrates and proteins at each meal.protein food for building muscle

You need to the protein to build muscle, but the carbohydrates supply the energy needed to build the muscle and transport those proteins. They work hand in hand to help you build muscle and have more energy. They also keep you from storing fat as readily.

Of course you need to make sure you have plenty of protein when you’re working to bulk up. However, you must build muscle through carbs in addition to those protein sources in order to have appropriate levels of energy.

from Work Out Supplements For Men http://workoutsupplementsformen.net/2016/05/10/can-you-build-muscle-through-carbs/

Can You Build Muscle by Flexing Alone?

You may have heard that you can build muscle by flexing, but is this true or just an old exercise myth? It’s actually true that you can exercise muscle through the process of flexing your muscles because you’re exposing them to a specific form of exercise.flexing muscle building muscle

When you flex your muscles, you’re performing isometric exercises. An isometric exercise is one where you contract your muscle for an extended period of time. Usually you’ll hold it from five seconds to half a minute.

If you’ve ever looked in the mirror and flexed your biceps, you’ve performed an isometric exercise. This does work your muscles. And while isometrics can be part of your workout program, they’re not likely to build a whole lot of bulk on their own.

That’s because when you contract your muscles without adding additional weight, you don’t put enough stress on the muscle fibers. When you lift weights, you actually tear the muscle fibers in your body.

During the recovery after your workout, your body repairs and rebuilds and your muscles grow. You can get more tone and definition and you can even gain some strength from these exercises. But if you’re looking to add a lot of muscle to your frame, you’re not likely to do it through flexing alone.

The best way to perform an isometric effectively is to contract your muscle until you feel a shaking and you can no longer keep your muscle still. With isometric exercise this is the point of failure and provides the best benefits.

flexing muscles You can perform isometrics with any area of the body by contracting and holding the position. This works for upper body and lower body exercises. While you still need to add some weights to your routine, isometrics are good because they don’t require special equipment.

In addition, you can perform these flexing exercises anywhere and at any time. They’re perfect for when you’re traveling or don’t have time to complete a full workout at home or at the gym. However, you shouldn’t depend on flexing for your entire fitness program.

You’ll need to add more resistance to really define and build muscle. You’ll also need to add good nutrition and rest to your routine in order to reach your fitness goals. But if you’re looking for an activity to add to a good fitness routine, isometrics can be helpful.

You can enhance and build muscle by flexing, but flexing alone isn’t going to be enough to bulk up your muscles.

from Work Out Supplements For Men http://workoutsupplementsformen.net/2016/05/10/can-you-build-muscle-by-flexing-alone/

Build Muscle with Juicing

Juicing is a healthy habit that many people have turned to for wellness, but you can also build muscle with juicing if you do it properly. You don’t often associate juicing with building muscle mass, but there are many combinations that can help you to add bulk to your frame.juicing for muscle building

First, you’ll need to make sure you have the right equipment. A juicer is required to actually extract the juice from the fruits and veggies you combine. You can also use a high powered blender for some recipes.

Once you have a juicer, you can combine any number of foods to create a drink that packs nutrition. With one drink you can deliver the vitamins and minerals of several servings of fruit without having to take the time to eat them individually.

Juices do provide your body with sugars and carbs. But they can also provide you with protein molecules as well as vitamins and minerals that are critical to the process of building muscle mass. In particular your juices will be healthier if you leave the pulp in them to get the fiber content.

When you’re working to build muscle mass you also need to increase your caloric intake. While it might be tempting to add cookies, candy, or soda to your diet those are empty calories and they won’t help you to pack on lean muscle.

green smoothie muscle buildingBut juicing can provide you with a high concentration of calories from nutritional sources. The juice helps to deliver the materials that your body can use to make muscle tissue and to repair cells that are damaged by your workout.

What kinds of foods can you juice? If you’re looking to gain weight from muscle mass you can add a wide variety of foods to your juice. But some of your best bets include kale, apples, lemon, spinach, and celery. These provide antioxidants and are also good sources of protein.

If you want to go for juices that are lower in sugar you might try combining carrots, ginger, celery, and lime. These will taste fresh and light without adding a lot of extra sugar to your diet. There’s really no right or wrong way to combine fruits and veggies for juices.

Don’t forget to also add fresh herbs and spices to your juices to add flavor. Juice can be a flavorful way to add calories to your diet and provide you with nutrients. You can build muscle with juicing when you combine it with a healthy diet and a consistent exercise program.

from Work Out Supplements For Men http://workoutsupplementsformen.net/2016/05/10/build-muscle-with-juicing/